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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2012


maybe i wrote this on 2008/2009.

Paulo Cuelho's top 9 travel tips

By Paulo Cuelho I realised very early on that, for me, travelling was the best way of learning. I still have a pilgrim soul, and I thought that I would use this blog to pass on some of the lessons I have learned, in the hope that they might prove useful to other pilgrims like me. 1. Avoid museums. This might seem to be absurd advice, but let’s just think about it a little: if you are in a foreign city, isn’t it far more interesting to go in search of the present than of the past? It’s just that people feel obliged to go to museums because they learned as children that travelling was about seeking out that kind of culture. Obviously museums are important, but they require time and objectivity – you need to know what you want to see there, otherwise you will leave with a sense of having seen a few really fundamental things, except that you can’t remember what they were. 2. Hang out in bars. Bars are the places where life in the city reveals itself, not in museums. By bars I don’t...

a fair proof

love is such a fair proof that happiness does for everyone: everyone deserves to be happy. you may think that adornments are only for pretty people. we may think they deserve it because they charmed us, while we're dreaming to be one of them. but, no. love is a proof that happiness is for everyone. have you wonder -with do all respect, without any intention to insult- why ugly people, disabled people, bad people, or someone who we think hopeless living their life that you met, you know, or maybe random people you see in mrt have lovers? how come they could afford it? ow, really, i wondered. they have someone to hold their hands, to hug, to embrace, or to kiss (yes, it could be an awkward situation if your eyes caught looking at them). i mean, unlikely we don't see them in a pleasant way. we might think that those kind of people don't deserve that kind of adornments, because they... don't look pleasantly in our standard . but, no. who knows, maybe for people who lov...

what are souvenirs mean?

Apalah arti souvenir-souvenir kondangan itu.. Sungguh deh, kalo ngikutin mau ini itu, rasanya pengen ambil hal-hal yang lucu-lucu aja. bahkan sampe dibela-belain browsing sampe malem2/abis sahur padahal mata udh 1 watt dan ngirimin email ke suppliernya sampai ke negeri china. haiyah. ini bener.. china products, they cheap! tapi ya semurah-murahnya benda-benda yang saya browsing itu tetep aja gak ada yang dibawah 1 dolar usd. udah gitu belum lagi nanti biaya pengirimannya, belum lagi kalo ada masalah di bea cukai. haiyaah. terlalu beresiko takut gak bisa sampai on time. itu artinya semua souvenir pasti diatas 10ribuan. Padahal di awal saya cuma mentargetkan paling mahal 10ribu untuk tiap souvenir. oke, hal pertama yang saya pegang untuk suvenir kawinan itu yang penting mesti berguna ya sodara-sodara. Gak terlalu penting apa bendanya, yang penting berguna dan (diharapkan) bisa dipake sama yang nerima. alhasil, ini nih yang bikin saya bela-belain puter otak apa yaah dengan waktu yan...

i wants

i want to have more extra time i want to be a successful architect and bussineswoman i want a great family i want to have wonderful hair i want to have more mingle time with friends i want to be smarter i want to have free mind i want to runaway from life, sometime i want to have radiant skin i want more time with my man i want many pretty dresses and shoes i want to look pretty i want to get out from current mind i want to have lots of money (haha!) i want to be able to go take graduate school i want to be adored i want to worry less i want to be happy i want smiles from my deepest soul i want to walk my feet on the ground, dream to the sky with contentment feeling passionately....