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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2012

i'd tell the world: i don't care

kayaknya gak ada yang terlalu menarik dari blog ini. gambar-gambarnya dikit banget, tulisannya banyak banget, mungkin bikin orang males bacanya. udah gitu saya gak bisa ngelucu. hehe, yasudah. ini kan punya saya, ya semau-maunya saya mau dibikin kayak apa. lha wong, cerita ya cerita saya, suka-suka saya. heheh.


sebut saja saya dangkal. tapi rasanya saya kepingin ngerasain perjalanan sampai pelosok bumi dari fasilitas ala kadarnya sampai first class service dan ngerasain kuliner dari kaki lima sampai yang super sophisticated (baca: might be highly overpriced -haha) fine dining.

metronomes synchronized

synchronizing - seiya sekata dalam langkah yang sama

why is an expensive word

I want to throw things. I just want to throw anything, tear papers, breaking walls or screaming out loud. I don't feel like i want to be here now retreat option has gone, even i really want to. i just don't want to be here or work on these things. what am i doing here? Soothe my mind please, or at lease help me to solve other detail. Can you? I can be rude more than you think i could. And now i can't sleep. AAARRGGH!!

Samudera tuju

Sering kita marah dengan keadaan yang tak sejalan dengan angan Sering juga kita menghardik hal-hal buruk Terlalu menikmati tenggelam di hati yang marah dan terlena alpa Sampai tepian tuju pun menghilang dari cakrawala Dan kini (semoga) masing-masing kita bertanya, Dimanakah kita? Apa kita sedang berjalan ke samudera tuju?

Partly Cloudy

hari ini sudah bukan lagi pacu adrenalin dan percikan-percikan itu telah menjadi cahaya tenang dan mengapung seraya mengikuti aliran sungai bersiap menyapa samudera


Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing

Michael Graves is an architect and an emeritus professor at Princeton. IT has become fashionable in many architectural circles to declare the death of drawing. What has happened to our profession, and our art, to cause the supposed end of our most powerful means of conceptualizing and representing architecture? The computer, of course. With its tremendous ability to organize and present data, the computer is transforming every aspect of how architects work, from sketching their first impressions of an idea to creating complex construction documents for contractors. For centuries, the noun “digit” (from the Latin “digitus”) has been defined as “finger,” but now its adjectival form, “digital,” relates to data. Are our hands becoming obsolete as creative tools? Are they being replaced by machines? And where does that leave the architectural creative process? Today architects typically use computer-aided design software with names like AutoCAD and Revit, a tool for “building inform...