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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2013

Designer in training

Ini bukan pertama kalinya saya buka-buka album photos saya di henpon buat ngecek ada foto yang bisa dipost di path gak ya...  hasil: nihil (rasio keberhasilannya 1:100) Foto-foto yang ada di henpon saya 1. Gambar referensi rumah lucu 2. Foto di construction site 3. Architectural detail standard 101. Seperti saya ngukur gap 3mm grouting (sekarang saya mengerti kenapa senior saya ga habis pikir kenapa saya bgini) dan pilihan warna tegel.  4. Sketsa 5. Si mas dengan pose aduhai (baca: tidur menuhin satu kasur) maaf, untuk satu ini cukup untuk konsumsi pribadi saja (baca: gemes sih, tapi saya aja masih bisa geleng2 kepala liatnya) 6. Foto untuk hasil kirim2an watsapan. Misal ada tmn yang kepingin nitip parfum. Meskipun pada akhirnya ga jd beliin karena ternyata flightnya udah final call. 7. Ada sih foto keluarga 1 biji aja. nice shot though :) Mudah-mudahan artinya saya ini designer in training. Kata peribahasa berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian. Semoga di masa depan...

my grass is greener

This is one random blog that I read. She, the blog girl above, blogged about dreams. She consider herself as happy, earned good education, successful, had experienced living abroad, and she think people consider her as career-oriented woman. She opened her post as: A good friend of mine once said, "The things that you want might not the best ones for you." Okay, long story short, it hits my head. As you can see on the pic I posted on the top, I have things she want and I don't have to choose. I t bans me not to be grateful.   I'm happily married, earned good education (ppfft, of course, my dear *smirk smile*), having a career or at least building up my career ahead, and living abroad. Yeay.. See? This time whose grass is greener?  P.S. Stop whining or being a sissy and SMILEEEE!

sober note.

To move on, to be brave, and to be confident to carry on do really take time.  Mistakes are good for young people and they may await ahead. So does, discoveries, they await to be found. For better life and to bring dreams alive stand steadily on the ground. :)