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Ya Allah,
Inikah rasanya patah hati
Ketika yang terasa hanya sakit dan setiap bagian tubuh terasa lepas dari tempatnya?
Ketika ada yang lain ketika namanya disebut?
Mengapa Kau pertemukan aku dengannya?
Mengapa Kau biarkan aku hingga sejauh ini?
Aku disini menangis dan memeluk erat diriku
Agar tak lepas, agar pada tempatnya

Aku merasa bodoh
Sudah jelas dia TAK memuliakan diriku setelah kumuliakan dia
Sudah jelas dia TAK menerima aku apa adanya seperti yg kukira
Sudah jelas dia TAK mampu mengemban kepercayaanku
Sudah jelas dia INGKAR dengan kata-katanya sendiri
Sudah jelas dia TAK menghargai dirinya sendiri
Tapi seluruh indera dan logika masih kacau
Rasa yang lain tetap terasa dan aku sungguh tersiksa karenanya
Siksa karena cinta membuat diriku ingin menghilang dari muka bumi
Mungkin pelarian, tapi ini caraku untuk tak memaksakan inginku
Karena semuanya memainkan perannya masing2, termasuk aku
Si patah hati

Ya Allah,
Bagaimana agar aku dapat bersyukur akan nikmatMu tanpa perlu merasa dengki?
Bagaimana agar aku mampu berdiri tegap sebagaimana seharusnya?
Aku bukanlah Xena


Postingan populer dari blog ini

to define.

to start is the most challenging part: to define problems, to ask the right question, and to form a track. it's beyond technical matters, while solving is more likely taught by practical experience. 

It's been like 2 years?

I just finished skimming my post up to end 2012. Before getting married, and after marriage life up to last post before this. I didn't realized my post before marriage are mostly stories about a girl who tried so hard to get out of her miserable life with dark clouds inside her head facing her series of unfortunate events (I intended this blog to chute out those unnecessary garbage). After the wedding, honeymoon phase. Mmm, it was that fun, though. But, since I know this blog has other reader I tried to cover my bad stories. Wasn't like how I intended this blog to. After baby and few jobs, well, my life is actually getting better but still focus on my miserable life! (and list of hopes too) Last one, I wrote so many "haha" after a sentence that I think awkward, which now I find it annoying. Ha! (not haha)  I thought I was a positive person. But, it seems just to cover things up.  Even "let's giggle" this blog tagline is a survival, convincing my life...


“Thank you steve jobs, thank you oprah winfrey, thanks you stanford, thanks you youtube, thank you MEDIA.” (it was my tweet today) I heard few things from stanford university commencement speeches. How lucky those stanford graduates to have amazing people and amazing speech in their graduation. Things that really stuck on my head are lessons of “connecting the dots”, to believe that the dots will somehow connected someday, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”, and the courage to ask yourself “what’s in here to teach me?” in every condition you’re in. ... .. . . . ... ..... . . . . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. . ... .. . . . ... ..... . . . . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . ... ..... . . . . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. . ... .. . . . ... ..... . . . . .. ... . .. ... . .. .. .. . ... .. . . . ... ..... . . . . .. ... . ...