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At-Taubah, 51: قُل لَّن يُصِيبَنَا إِلَّا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنَا هُوَ مَوْلَانَا وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ Nothing will afflict us save what Allah has ordained for us; He is our Patron; and on Allah let the believers rely.

Little bangor boy

For me it's quiet weird. I married a guy, Erlangga Baskara: a little bangor boy who seemed screaming annoyingly like: "aaaaaaaakkkk!!!!" ._.

Leaving. Not that far, and don't take that long.

Berdebar-debar. Baru kali ini saya pergi dengan perasaan seperti ini. Rasanya seperti sedang bersiap pergi jauh. Baru kali ini perjalanan terasa lama dan seresah ini. Tapi, saya tidak boleh lupa ini adalah perjalanan yang baik, let's make it fun. Saya tak perlu lagi menunggu satu, dua, tiga bulan lagi untuk bertemu si mas. Asyik. Ugh.. I wish i can tell how anxious I am.

Sebelum tidur.

18 november dini hari. Malam ini saya sudah cukup capek keluar rumah dan berharap bisa tidur cepat. Mas juga, dan pileknya lagi kambuh. Saya akhirnya memilih tidur sendiri di kasur dengan bantal saya. Sambil mengingat-ingat seperti apa rasanya single, tidur sendiri menunggu hari besar datang. Hanya kurang seprai kesayangan yang masih di cucian dan bedcover yang dipakai si mas. :')


What is the purpose? The life purpose. The trip was a real heart-pumping. I'm wondering what was the uneasy feeling. At a moment i stopped to think. What is the purpose? The life purpose? Did I come crossing the country border only to serve my life to one man? I think there are so much rather than service. I'm here for love, but I wish for joy, happiness, grace, and passion here. Love for the passion and passion to love. But, in a moment something switched my mind. I was looking on someone beside me, i saw a friend for a life. A tired one whom taking me away with him. The past two weeks were exceptionally exhausting, hopefully a great one for him. Then, I looked at my thin reflection on the taxi window. I smile and i say to myself that this is a new start, a new beginning. :)


Sudah lama saya tidak membaca buku, bermain nada, atau benar-benar mencari media untuk menggoreskan rasa. Apa saya ini. Saya rindu masa sekolah dulu, sengatan ide membuncah dengan mudahnya. Kebebasan dengan bumbu kanak-kanak tanpa pikir panjang. Pikiran pendek, saya tahu. Sekarang apa saya ini. Menjadi orang dewasa dan mengikuti aturan bisa jadi membosankan. Tawa-tawa keras dan panjang tergantikan dengan tawa yang terlalu santun. Itu cukup untuk menjauhkan diri dari masalah. Namun, tidak bisa menggantikan sesuatu yang hilang. Saya rindu teman-teman saya yang dulu. Tapi, teman-teman itu sudah tidak ada lagi. Perlahan semua menjadi orang dewasa, memperbanyak tawa santun kita, meski sekali-kali kita ulangi lagi tawa keras kita yang dulu. Saya rindu kebebasan saya yang dulu. Kebebasan yang saya pun bingung mencari padanan kata yang pas. Bukan yang semena-mena urakan tanpa tanggung jawab. Kebebasan yang tidak mengotakkan diri menjadi apa yang membebaskan rasa di dalam jiwa. Saya t...

bismillah, dengan nama Dia Penguasa ketidakmampuan manusia

I really have problems. Yes. Being in this overwhelming circumstances makes me realize that i need to be more brave and bold enough to speak out. But most of all, need to be smarter to understand and to be able to manage the whole situation precisely. I feel like i have too many things to worry in this little time. Don't panic. Even others' extra worries and others' incapability to understand are main reasons that makes my head heavier (literally and implicitly). I realize, when i say "i don't care" sometimes i'm just "running away" to avoid further conflict. Actually, i care and i hold it inside my heart. and my main problem now is, i have been sleepy since 3 hours ago, but i feel unable to sleep.. :-/ Oh God. I'm not running away this time. Please guide me.

fans paling inyong

baca deh artikel ini ada yang janggal ketika seseorang harus pindah apa yang diimani demi orang lain. hey.. iman itu punya siapa? punya orang-orang yang menuntut hal-hal absurd antara seseorang dengan Yang Maha Kuasa. siapa yang bisa memastikan hati dan jiwa seseorang bisa pindah dan dijalani seperti yang orang-orang itu mau. apa bedanya dengan memberi label baru, name tag baru ke seseorang yang tadinya dianggap berbeda? gatau sih, itu pikiran saya sendiri ya.

rem koolhaas is my idol

saya kira rem koolhaas itu kayak zaha hadid. asik sendiri (menurut saya: forever alone lvl 9999). ternyata dia punya istri toh, namanya madelon vriesendorp dan punya anak tomas koolhaas. ini nih fotonya: istrinya seniman dan ternyata co-foundernya AMO dan anaknya cinematographer. keluarganya masih seni-seni gitu. mirip lah ya anaknya, yurop yurop guy, kayak bapake: ini mukanya kayak ngomong: "maksut lo?"


aku disini di stasiun menunggu kereta yang sama denganmu di gerbong yang sama tempat duduk kita pun bersebelahan hanya saja, sekarang keretanya belum datang kita lupakan bosan dengan kudapan dari kios sebelah

cobalah menjadi romantis

cobalah menjadi romantis, seperti angin yang masuk diam-diam melalui jendela-jendelaku membisikkan mimpi-mimpi akan rasa tenang bertemu senja menyisipkan gelora menyambut harapan-harapan pagi rengkuh aku, bermanjalah dan pilihkan kata-kata manis untukku karena keterusterangan tidak selalu mengairahkan dan tiba-tiba kamu akan menembus batasku, tanpa sadar

hedgehog and cat

this is just cute!!! i imagine the hedgehog is saying somekind of: "hey idiot, get away from me.. get your own toy", but the cat had really got spoiled of it :3

meanwhile in poland

this video, i found it hilarious fear is a vocabulary that we got (or that had been) influenced to us to be afraid of

this machine creates ANYTHING

see things backwards, in a different way might can be really interesting


Harus bisa mengisi kosong di hati dan di jiwa. Harus lebih dekat ke Yang Maha Kuasa, pikiran dan perilaku positif dipertahankan, hati dikuatkan sekaligus dilembutkan, nurani dipertajam. Saya ingin mendengar lagi bisikan-bisikan damai yang penuh suka-cita. Bersorak-sorai mengisi rongga yang kosong. Penuh harapan, penuh optimisme, penuh tawakal. Kabulkan Ya Tuhan Gusti Allah.... Ya Allah, saya mohon sekali pertajam inderaku untuk menangkap berkahMu dan hapus debu di hati yang membuatku tak sanggup meyakiniMu lebih dekat dari urat nadiku. Ya Allah saya meracau tengah malam, bimbinglah racauan diri ini ya Allah.. aamiin..

i'd tell the world: i don't care

kayaknya gak ada yang terlalu menarik dari blog ini. gambar-gambarnya dikit banget, tulisannya banyak banget, mungkin bikin orang males bacanya. udah gitu saya gak bisa ngelucu. hehe, yasudah. ini kan punya saya, ya semau-maunya saya mau dibikin kayak apa. lha wong, cerita ya cerita saya, suka-suka saya. heheh.


sebut saja saya dangkal. tapi rasanya saya kepingin ngerasain perjalanan sampai pelosok bumi dari fasilitas ala kadarnya sampai first class service dan ngerasain kuliner dari kaki lima sampai yang super sophisticated (baca: might be highly overpriced -haha) fine dining.

metronomes synchronized

synchronizing - seiya sekata dalam langkah yang sama

why is an expensive word

I want to throw things. I just want to throw anything, tear papers, breaking walls or screaming out loud. I don't feel like i want to be here now retreat option has gone, even i really want to. i just don't want to be here or work on these things. what am i doing here? Soothe my mind please, or at lease help me to solve other detail. Can you? I can be rude more than you think i could. And now i can't sleep. AAARRGGH!!

Samudera tuju

Sering kita marah dengan keadaan yang tak sejalan dengan angan Sering juga kita menghardik hal-hal buruk Terlalu menikmati tenggelam di hati yang marah dan terlena alpa Sampai tepian tuju pun menghilang dari cakrawala Dan kini (semoga) masing-masing kita bertanya, Dimanakah kita? Apa kita sedang berjalan ke samudera tuju?

Partly Cloudy

hari ini sudah bukan lagi pacu adrenalin dan percikan-percikan itu telah menjadi cahaya tenang dan mengapung seraya mengikuti aliran sungai bersiap menyapa samudera


Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing

Michael Graves is an architect and an emeritus professor at Princeton. IT has become fashionable in many architectural circles to declare the death of drawing. What has happened to our profession, and our art, to cause the supposed end of our most powerful means of conceptualizing and representing architecture? The computer, of course. With its tremendous ability to organize and present data, the computer is transforming every aspect of how architects work, from sketching their first impressions of an idea to creating complex construction documents for contractors. For centuries, the noun “digit” (from the Latin “digitus”) has been defined as “finger,” but now its adjectival form, “digital,” relates to data. Are our hands becoming obsolete as creative tools? Are they being replaced by machines? And where does that leave the architectural creative process? Today architects typically use computer-aided design software with names like AutoCAD and Revit, a tool for “building inform...


maybe i wrote this on 2008/2009.

Paulo Cuelho's top 9 travel tips

By Paulo Cuelho I realised very early on that, for me, travelling was the best way of learning. I still have a pilgrim soul, and I thought that I would use this blog to pass on some of the lessons I have learned, in the hope that they might prove useful to other pilgrims like me. 1. Avoid museums. This might seem to be absurd advice, but let’s just think about it a little: if you are in a foreign city, isn’t it far more interesting to go in search of the present than of the past? It’s just that people feel obliged to go to museums because they learned as children that travelling was about seeking out that kind of culture. Obviously museums are important, but they require time and objectivity – you need to know what you want to see there, otherwise you will leave with a sense of having seen a few really fundamental things, except that you can’t remember what they were. 2. Hang out in bars. Bars are the places where life in the city reveals itself, not in museums. By bars I don’t...

a fair proof

love is such a fair proof that happiness does for everyone: everyone deserves to be happy. you may think that adornments are only for pretty people. we may think they deserve it because they charmed us, while we're dreaming to be one of them. but, no. love is a proof that happiness is for everyone. have you wonder -with do all respect, without any intention to insult- why ugly people, disabled people, bad people, or someone who we think hopeless living their life that you met, you know, or maybe random people you see in mrt have lovers? how come they could afford it? ow, really, i wondered. they have someone to hold their hands, to hug, to embrace, or to kiss (yes, it could be an awkward situation if your eyes caught looking at them). i mean, unlikely we don't see them in a pleasant way. we might think that those kind of people don't deserve that kind of adornments, because they... don't look pleasantly in our standard . but, no. who knows, maybe for people who lov...

what are souvenirs mean?

Apalah arti souvenir-souvenir kondangan itu.. Sungguh deh, kalo ngikutin mau ini itu, rasanya pengen ambil hal-hal yang lucu-lucu aja. bahkan sampe dibela-belain browsing sampe malem2/abis sahur padahal mata udh 1 watt dan ngirimin email ke suppliernya sampai ke negeri china. haiyah. ini bener.. china products, they cheap! tapi ya semurah-murahnya benda-benda yang saya browsing itu tetep aja gak ada yang dibawah 1 dolar usd. udah gitu belum lagi nanti biaya pengirimannya, belum lagi kalo ada masalah di bea cukai. haiyaah. terlalu beresiko takut gak bisa sampai on time. itu artinya semua souvenir pasti diatas 10ribuan. Padahal di awal saya cuma mentargetkan paling mahal 10ribu untuk tiap souvenir. oke, hal pertama yang saya pegang untuk suvenir kawinan itu yang penting mesti berguna ya sodara-sodara. Gak terlalu penting apa bendanya, yang penting berguna dan (diharapkan) bisa dipake sama yang nerima. alhasil, ini nih yang bikin saya bela-belain puter otak apa yaah dengan waktu yan...

i wants

i want to have more extra time i want to be a successful architect and bussineswoman i want a great family i want to have wonderful hair i want to have more mingle time with friends i want to be smarter i want to have free mind i want to runaway from life, sometime i want to have radiant skin i want more time with my man i want many pretty dresses and shoes i want to look pretty i want to get out from current mind i want to have lots of money (haha!) i want to be able to go take graduate school i want to be adored i want to worry less i want to be happy i want smiles from my deepest soul i want to walk my feet on the ground, dream to the sky with contentment feeling passionately....


Rindu itu seni menjaga jarak tertentu dengan seseorang. Kalau terlalu jauh, gak merasa. Dan untuk orang-orang tertentu, terlalu dekat malah jadi sumber masalah. Jadi, jaga saja jarak tertentu itu.

universe's hand

At a point, i can feel madly in love with you. You, the one who cherish my days. You, the one who irresistably mesmerize me. You, the one who often makes me laugh. Maybe, it's all the love that had given to me, reflected through you. You, the one who makes me feel alive.

mengarang bebas

sekarang saya sedang menulis bebas. agak lucu juga ya membiarkan saya mengetik tanpa agenda khusus. permasalahan menulis seperti ini kalau pikiran saya 2x, 5x, 10x, atau berapapun kali lebih cepat daripada kemampuan mengetik saya. saya bisa lupa. saya tadi melihat-lihat blog tentang orang-orang yang senang mengerjakan prakarya-prakarya yang entah mereka dapat ide dari mana. Menarik. Kadang saya berpikir, saya pengen deh hidupnya seperti hanya bikin prakarya setiap hari. Saya bebas memikirkan detail. Tidak perlu kesal punya terlalu banyak pekerjaan.  Hmm, barusan saya ingat saya belum mengirimkan email ke bos saya. Yup, saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya setengah 9 malam. Ini membuat saya berpikir, saya ini bekerja atau mengabdi ke perusahaan. Ayolah, perusahaan 'itu' bisa kasih apa ke saya. Untuk sekarang ini, saya yakin saya bisa makan kenyang. Tapi sepertinya itu tidak cukup. Pengabdian, kalau punya tujuan yang lebih besar dan untuk khalayak ramai sepertinya terasa lebih wor...

Nail polish

I'm wearing nail polish! First time in my life!! Ok, i'm a way tooooo late wearing it. At least i made a start. I felt not confident enough wearing it at the first time, and still feel a bit cool on every fingertip. But, umm, i'll wearing it until next couple of days. Don't ask me the color. It looks like black, but actually it's dark purple. That's what my sister have. I'll get mine..

the woman i love - jason mraz

the woman i love Maybe I annoy you with my choices Well, you annoy me sometimes too with your voice But that ain't enough for me To move out and move on I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love We don't have to hurry You can take as long as you want I'm holdin' steady My heart's at home With my hand behind you I will catch you if you fall Yeah I'm gonna love you like the woman I love Sometimes the world can make you feel You're not welcome anymore And you beat yourself up You let yourself get mad And in those times when you stop lovin' That woman I adore You can relax Because, babe, I got your back Uh, I got you I don't wish to change you You've got it under control You wake up each day different Another reason for me to keep holdin' on I'm not attached to any way you're showing up I'm just gonna love you like the woman I love Yeah I'm gonna love you Oh, Yeah I'm gonna love you...

Letter to Penang

Dear Mas Erlangga, Terima kasih untuk pagi, siang, sore, malam yang sudah lewat. Semoga mulai detik ini, atau mulai 5 bulan 20 hari lagi, aku bisa selalu bisa menghadirkan asa ke hatimu di kala pagi dan membawa tentram ke jiwamu di kala malam tiba. semoga seperti itulah kita satu sama lain. :') Mita

just notes in gmail drafts :)

15 may 2011: tebak. sekarang saya ada di bandung.  "what are you doing right now?"  adalah pertanyaan yang melintas di pikiran saya berkali-kali selama saya naik travel dari bintaro. pertanyaan ini berulang berkali-kali di perjalanan, bahkan ketika saya sudah sampai di bandung. kenapa saya melakukan ini, apa saya harus berusaha sebegitu keras,  lagi , dan pada akhirnya saya tidak mendapatkan apa-apa lagi. apakah saya  selalu  mengharapkan balasan? apakah saya melakukan ini untuk mendapatkan perhatian yang sama? setidaknya, apakah saya sudah berhasil memenangkan hati seseorang? jelas, ini masih awal. how can i say it in a good way? no, in its best way? i still can't found the right words. ternyata saya menyadari, saya masih egois. saya terlalu takut. saya tak mau ada hati yang terbelah. tapi, ini seharusnya bukan tentang menyekat-nyekat ruang hati. rasanya seperti masuk ke dalam air, yang bahkan dasarnya belum bisa saya lihat. meski dia bilang, saya oran...

may we never missed a chance of good things

ada hal yang bikin saya agak menyesal hari ini tentang kemarin. di resepsi pernikahan sahabatnya si mas, ada acara lempar buket di akhir acara seperti biasa. entah kenapa, saya ada keyakinan tersendiri saya bisa mendapatkan buket itu. ya, memang kalau bisa menangkap buket ada hadiahnya. tapi, ini lebih ke kepuasan diri sendiri untuk bisa mendapatkan sesuatu. saya tahu, buket itu akan terlempar ke arah saya. dan kemarin memang, buketnya terlempar ke arah saya. saya sudah ancang-ancang, tapi mgkn saya kurang ke depan dan buket itu mengenai kaki saya dan berhasil bikin kaki dan sepatu saya basah. saya bisa saja lebih bersemangat untuk mengambil buket itu. tapi, dalam hitungan sepersekian detik yang terasa panjang say memutuskan untuk mundur. tidak usah, karena merasa repot dengan kain yang kemarin saya pakai. akhirnya, bunga itu hanya terlempar ke arah depan dan perempuan-perempuan yang di depan saya girang karena bisa mendapatkannya. namun, setelahnya ada penyesalan di hati saya. ken...

just a prep note

Kebaya - DONE 2 weeks before today Sarung - done 4 days before tomorrow Pretty shoes - ok i forgot what to wear, i'll beg mom MUA - confirmed 6 am Gifts - done few hours ago Flower market - unexpectedly done without plan, lost without cash, ngojek with pak odi 'the tattoed guy of the market' to get cash Catering set up - great! They come sooner than i expected! Rental chairs - late; *sigh*, but ok laah Flower arranging - had just finished few moments ago Sleep - not done yet. Ok, shut down ----

best make up

dear Lord, i'm asking you the best make up for tomorrow, my first big step. Not bobby brown, mac, mufe, or any of those fancies, but please give me the best smile that he can see. So, tomorrow can be one of his best day in his life.

Fate and fear

Fate is not yet to come, and we always want to have best of our lives. We did, we do, or sometimes we fail. Speaking of failing, reasons can be anything, maybe because of what we did or things outside us we can't control. Worst feeling could come from something beyond our control. Maybe it's about other person or what had given to us since we were born. Fear is something that we can't deny and we never invite to come. Fear of losing, fear of pain, fear if failing, fear of being denied, fear of being not perfect. Fear of ..., or maybe you have your own term of fear? Fate and fear. Fear is good, fear is a friend. It's a natural signal given to us what to be concerned in order to be perfect in our terms, ideal, like we've planned. But, no. Being human is being not perfect. Fear shows us how 'human' we are. But, nobody's perfect. Cliche. If, the world is perfect we wont find pretty and ugly people. No more smart guys and idiots. Maybe we never hear...

24 hours w/ many things to do

07.15 woke up; 08.00 off to office; 08.45 arrived; 09.00-09.30 preparing presentation; 10.00-11.40 tender aanwijzing; 11.45-12.30 waiting for paper copies; 13.00 office again, lunch; 13.30-20.30 work; 21.00 home; 21.00-23.00 w/daddy night convo; 23.00-02.30 work; 02.30-03.00 leyeh2, solat, off to bed tell me, am i too much? It happens in these two days

curi intip

mengintip gaji orang, would that be sin? hahaha! nggak sih, tp dari situ bisa kliatan siapa yang di atas siapa yang mengekor selanjutnya pada level yang... yaaa kurang lebih sama. loose some get some aja. gak harus ngerasa jleb sih ada yang lebih gak jadi yang 'lebih'. saya tau sih, si 'lebih' itu usahanya extrrraaaa. tapi dibandingin sm yang lain, titik saya sekarang ini kurang lebih bagus sih, above average semoga. bersyukur aja. money does not tell everything.. *bicara ke diri sendiri*

(i wish) no plans for today

all i want is to have this cake, in a relaxing day, sipping hot tea with nothing to think, and staring at the rain from a big glass window. no plans for today. nothing to worry.

one, yours = mine

I love you and you love me, we're gonna make a big family.. No fruits for today, sore Eventually, my father will be your father, my mother will be your mother. So does, your mother and father, they will be mine too.. And our children will be their grandchildren.. We're gonna make a big family, as one.


i hate the moment that i feel incapable of something.  maybe i didn't try hard enough, and too busy doing other things that's not related. i want to say yes i can, and proud of it. how?
chatting sama simi app itu kalo kata 9gag: FOREVER ALONE LVL: 9999
hope it helps describing what "anti-climax" is... rises up then suddenly fall down, and (again) back to the start. too bad it hadn't reach "seizing the prize", not even its "climax". *no blaming, just saying*

staying and leaving

how funny life is. when you eagered to move out, you had to struggle hard settling down. when you've started to enjoy settled-down life, you have to move out. they didn't let you stay too long on the same place. why? maybe life won't let you stay too long in certain comfortable zones. maybe those are blessing. to keep you move forward, carry on, carry on... you only need to be grateful..


sendu itu sore-sore macet di jalan pulang langit mendung gerimis malu-malu. lagu backgroundnya "i don't wanna miss a thing" versi mellow. kepala pusing dan leher rasanya lebih nyeri dari biasanya. pingin dianter langsung ketemu pak dokter, gak usah nyetir.. :|


what if something struck your mind and suddenly you get really anxious about it? wishing you can have someone to talk to and decided not to go anywhere, stay sit where you are until you have your mind clear. because you must drive home, and you need a clear mind.

that just life... ...

What if the opportunity you've been looking for in other place come right in front of your feet? Now, you've engaged to that new place and you're just about to jump across. Is it wise to stay? Is it wiser to let it go and stick with the first plan? Is it possible to stay for a while to experience the opportunity? Considering that we'll be in the same place until in the end. I'm still young.

tips merawat kebaya

Tips merawat kebaya ala Marga Alam: 1. Kebaya tidak selalu harus dicuci setelah dipakai, bisa dipakai 2-3 kali. Kebaya cukup diangin-anginkan saja. 2. Jika memang hendak dicuci, ada baiknya perhatikan bahannya. Sebaiknya gunakan dry clean pada mesin cuci Anda. Mengapa dry clean? Karena pilihan tersebut aman untuk semua jenis bahan kebaya, sehingga tidak merusak tekstur asli. 3. Jangan menjemur kebaya yang telah dicuci di bawah terik matahari. Jemurlah ditempat yang sejuk, agar warna pada kebaya tidak cepat pudar. 4. Jangan menyemprotkan parfum langsung ke kebaya. Hal ini juga akan merusak tekstur warna pada kebaya. Lebih baik gunakan parfum sebelum Anda mengenakan kebaya. 5. Cara penyimpanannya pun sangat sederhana. Cukup dilipat dan jangan digantung, terlebih bagi kebaya yang banyak aplikasi payetnya. Mengapa demikian? Karena bahan kebaya kebanyakan berbahan elastis, jika sering digantung makan bagian pundak akan turun karena beratnya payet.


I don't like these kind of situations: "don't know what to do", or "don't know what to say".. I always need lots of help, at least getting any information needed. Decision is all mine. finding the right question how to do things is necessarily required to get good and appropriate answers. spoiling out emotional conditions and questions sometimes only cause other trouble, such as others think that you're stupid, or not capable enough to do it, or at least getting even more confused about your initial issues and other issues you never think about. .... Or, you should learn to talk as an new staff to very big boss. They don't really need to know every detail. We do details. But when you're in the same team with the boss, they're still boss. Forever boss. Don't bother them small things, they'll get anxious someway.

awkward moment(s)

awkward moment is when you remember you've accepted someone's connection request on social network, but now you see that person's name with "connect" button. me: what's the point added me anyway?? zz awkward moment is when you know someone is using 'that particular smartphone' (aka blackberry), while you knew that person criticized cynically (whined) a lot about social pressure of using it and (used to) refuse using it. me: okay, zzz

i dedicated this post for you

cepat sembuh.. biar bisa ketemu lagi minggu depan :p


"Semoga Allah menghimpun yang terserak dari keduanya, memberkati mereka berdua, dan kiranya Allah meningkatkan kualitas keturunan mereka. Menjadikan pembuka pintu-pintu rahmat, sumber ilmu, dan hikmah serta memberikan rasa aman bagi umat." (Doa Rasulullah pada pernikahan Fatimah Azzahra dengan Ali bin Abi Tholib) Kemarin baca tulisan ini di undangan orang. Dulu kalo baca ini sekedar lewat aja, sekarang baru ngeh kalo ini doanya indah bgt ya.. *usep-usep mata*

first big news (2)

Tulisan ini saya temukan di notes hp saya, menyambung post sebelumnya tertanggal 27 agustus 2011 19:20 "Saya punya perasaan bagus tentang aplikasi ADS ini. Awalnya, saya hampir tidak jd daftar ADS karena TOEFL score saya belum sampai! Saya sempat panik juga, apalagi saya baru sempat mengisi formnya di hari senin kemarin. Saya sempat menyerah dan mengikhlaskan kalau saya tidak akan mendaftar beasiswa pdhl sudah capek-capek ikut tes toefl yg internasional. Tapi, atas saran teman-teman saya kumpulkan saya print score saya dari internet dan kata si mas saya buat declaration letter yang menyatakan bahwa score saya terlambat sampai. Awalnya saya sudah pesimis kalau menyertakan hasil print akan tidak apa2, tapi entah kenapa saya masih saja mengumpulkan dokumen yg dibutuhkan untuk aplikasi ads ini. Berbekal niatan kalau saya tidak mengumpulkan akan terasa konyol, saya tetap mengisi formulirnya. Mengarang bebas tentang bla bla bla. Untungnya server komputer bermasalah, yaa semua orang tdk ...

just do it

I told my sister: "just do it!" "If you want to achieve something, just do it, just start doing it" It's funny now that sentence hit myself and i see that I need more dose of 'just do it'. I need to start to do many things. Just do it, just do it, just do it.. (don't be afraid, be brave)

first big news

yesterday, i received the letter i've been waiting for and it tells me i didn't get the grants. my hands shook when i opened the envelope. hehe. later, i told him about it and i said a bit sad though, but it's okay. and he said: "kamu ga dpt beasiswa kan bukan karena kamu ga bisa baby... ada yg lebih butuh dari kamu :)" me: "aku jg udh dikasih gift lain tahun ini ;)" :')