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There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb
It's the climb - Miley Cyrus

Promise me you'll always be happy by my side
I promise to sing to you when all the music dies
Marry me - Train

Dunia boleh tertawa
Melihatku bahagia
Walau ditempat yang kau anggap tak biasa
Biarkanlah aku bernyanyi
Berlari berputar menari disini
Tak perlu keliling dunia - Gita Gutawa

oh kau bawa aku lagi sampai ku hampir mati
caramu kagumiku puja aku sampai mati
memang ku kagumimu dari atas sampai hati
tak perlu ku ragu dari hati sampai kaki
Paralyzed - Agnes Monica

There’s only three men that Imma serve my whole life
It’s my daddy and Nebraska and Jesus Christ
You and I - Lady Gaga

But sing the Song
Forgotten for so long
And let the Music flow
Like Light into the Rainbow
Antonio's song - Michael Franks


Postingan populer dari blog ini

It's been like 2 years?

I just finished skimming my post up to end 2012. Before getting married, and after marriage life up to last post before this. I didn't realized my post before marriage are mostly stories about a girl who tried so hard to get out of her miserable life with dark clouds inside her head facing her series of unfortunate events (I intended this blog to chute out those unnecessary garbage). After the wedding, honeymoon phase. Mmm, it was that fun, though. But, since I know this blog has other reader I tried to cover my bad stories. Wasn't like how I intended this blog to. After baby and few jobs, well, my life is actually getting better but still focus on my miserable life! (and list of hopes too) Last one, I wrote so many "haha" after a sentence that I think awkward, which now I find it annoying. Ha! (not haha)  I thought I was a positive person. But, it seems just to cover things up.  Even "let's giggle" this blog tagline is a survival, convincing my life

grown up

Maybe someday, you will learn, you will understand, you will accept everything, and eventually you will grown up. But never in my time, never in my space and time dimension. Maybe you'll always be a kid for me. dan saya dulu terus-menerus menilai anda terlalu tinggi.

sad part of a happy thought

Ada sisi yang bisa membuat saya merasa sedih dari hal yang menyenangkan. Kangen dengan seseorang itu membahagiakan, sesuatu yang patut disyukuri. Kadang, saya bilang "pengen bareng", atau "pengen ada di sana", atau semacamnya. Tapi, lama-lama saya malah jadi sedih karena saya tahu saya gak bisa melakukannya. Saya (jauh) lebih banyak mengucapkannya ketimbang melakukannya. Beberapa kali saya urung mengatakannya. Jadi, saya simpan dalam hati saja. Rasanya omong doang. Dalam setahun saja, mungkin saya 'hanya' 5 kali bertemu dengannya. Pertemuan 1-2 hari menjadi sangat berharga. Hal ini sedikit membuat gusar, kadang. Tapi, harus bagaimana? Harusnya saya bisa lebih ikhlas untuk lebih banyak hal ya? Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT